Brighton Uncut
brightonuncut Brighton Uncut
4 of the #brighton9 in TopShop window not guilty of criminal damage. #ukuncut
Brighton Uncut
brightonuncut Brighton Uncut
Judge has found 5 of #brighton9 guilty of criminal damage to mannequins. The ones in the Topman window. #BrightonUncut #ukuncut

So it is that Brighton Uncut declared the results of today’s court case against their activists – the ‘Brighton Nine’ – the first UK Uncut protesters to face trial (I think?). The judge apparently ruled that using glue to stick yourself to a window doesn’t count on its own as criminal damage. Each of those who was found ‘guilty’ has been given a conditional discharge and asked to pay £200 of costs.

The trial, which included evidence from expert witness Caroline Lucas, who argued that Parliament will only change policy if pressure comes from the outside through protests like this one, marks the start of a number of months of legal action against those who have been involved in UK Uncut actions across the country.

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