Green Party call for overhaul of Gender Recognition Act
Creative Commons - Ted Eyton The Green Party of England & Wales has responded to the Government Equalities Office’s (GEO) announcement of a review of the Gender Recognition Act, calling…
Vote 2017: The Results
Our elections live blog including full results for Greens standing in England, Wales and Scotland begins at 11am. Visit:
Green Party to host Autumn Conference in Harrogate
The Green Party of England and Wales will hold their 2017 Autumn Conference in Harrogate, returning just a year and a half after their 2016 Spring Conference in the same…
Queen’s University Belfast set to divest from fossil fuels
Photo credit: flickr user Gerry Machen Creative Commons license: Queen's University Belfast last week announced their intent to end all investments in fossil fuels by 2025. The announcement on…
Greens put forward a sixth vision for the future of Europe
Green MEPs celebrate the defeat of the ACTA trade agreement in 2012. Image © European Union 2012 - European Parliament The Greens/European Free Alliance has released it’s ‘6th Scenario’ for…
General Election: Scottish Greens standing in only three seats threatens Tory’s advance
Patrick Harvie with Glasgow Green Party members: he will contest the Glasgow North seat for the UK General Election. Photo: SGP The Scottish Greens have announced they will stand in…
Local Elections: Greens advance in Scotland; Challenge now set for the left at Westminster
Edinburgh Greens won eight councillors, their best ever result. Image: Edinburgh Greens. The Green Parties in England, Wales and Scotland had an encouraging day following local elections across Britain. Emily…
Bristol Greens launch crowdfunder to elect Molly Scott Cato
Bristol Greens are crowdfunding to help elect Molly Scott-Cato as the UK’s second Green MP. The local party are trying to raise £11,000 through crowdfunding site FundSurfer, with the fundraiser…
Macron wins gruding support of French Greens as Presidential runoff looms
Emmanuel Macron the Government Minister in 2014. He is now being hailed ad an 'outsider'. Image: Le Web The French green party has endorsed Emmanuel Macron for French President in…
GPEW at the Global Congress – What was achieved?
Left to right: Aimee Challenor, Vera Van Gool, Jess Northey|Courtesy of Jessica Northey Earlier this month the Green Party of England and Wales helped host the Global Greens…