“Let All Indignados in all the squares join together”: Beginning From the Beginning
The Occupation of Wall Street is entering into it’s third week and things are heating up. The large Transport Workers Union has pledged it’s support, echoing the much-vaunted ‘Teamsters and…
Why do we knuckle under and accept a system driving us to extinction?
This is the fourth in a series of ‘Case for the Commons: the kinder Society we want’ posts - the fifth will try to begin answering the question: How can we…
Photos: Spanish revolution
Spain's jilted generation has found its voice. After a year of austerity has driven the country to its knees, the people, it seems, have started to rise up. Much solidarity…
Taking democratic reform beyond electoral reform
Next week we'll go to polls to vote for councillors, AMs, MSPs and a new voting system for Westminster. Then we'll all go back to our lives and forget about…
Countering Council Cuts: Local Alternatives to Austerity
Photo courtesy of Guardian Edinburgh via flickr While we've rightly been focussed so far national campaigns, defending welfare and education, we mustn't overlook the fact that many of the cuts…