How the Green Party can better communicate with its members
Green Party members are active throughout England and Wales campaigning for environmental and social justice, standing in elections, and serving the residents of the areas they are elected to represent.…
The Green Party needs to be pragmatic about its political ambitions – Interview with Kefentse Dennis
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will be electing a new executive (GPEx) this summer. As part of Bright Green's coverage of the elections, our editor Chris…
The Green Party can win under First Past the Post – Interview with Adrian Spurrell
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will be electing a new executive (GPEx) this summer. As part of Bright Green's coverage of the elections, our editor Chris…
The Green Party needs to be bold – Interview with Dylan Lewis-Creser
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will be electing a new executive (GPEx) this summer. As part of Bright Green's coverage of the elections, our editor Chris…
The Green Party needs the right infrastructure to capitalise on the next green surge – Interview with Jon Nott
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will be electing a new executive (GPEx) this summer. As part of Bright Green's coverage of the elections, our editor Chris…
‘The Greens can win two MPs & 900 Councillors in the next 5 years’ – Interview with Brian Candeland
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will be electing a new executive (GPEx) this summer. As part of Bright Green's coverage of the elections, our editor Chris…
‘Greens want to fundamentally and irreversibly shift wealth and power’ – Interview with Matthew Hull
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will be electing a new executive (GPEx) this summer. As part of Bright Green's coverage of the elections, our editor Chris…
Confirmed: The four candidates standing for the Green Party deputy leadership
It's official. The Green Party of England and Wales has now published the full list of candidates in this year's election for the deputy leadership. The four candidates are: Shahrar…
Exclusive: Nannette Youssef and Georgie Oatley to stand for Green Party internal communications coordinator
Announcements for the Green Party of England and Wales Executive (GPEx) elections continue to come in thick and fast. Nominations closed at 12pm on June 30 - and no fewer…
Third candidate for chair of Green Party Executive confirmed as Tina Rothery and Alison Teal announce
There are now three candidates in the running to be the new chair of the Green Party of England and Wales Executive (GPEx). Tina Rothery and Alison Teal announced their…