Now is the time for a campaign to stop Murdoch’s tax dodging
Many of you will no doubt be enjoying the collapse of Rupert Murdoch’s evil empire as much as I am. The end of his cynical, sneering and prurient approach to…
Why I’m not Cheering the News of the World’s Demise.
So this Sunday's News Of The World will be the last, after over 150 years James Murdoch has announced that News International's biggest selling paper is to close. You'd think…
Why did Jenny Jones want to stop the Police Investigation into ‘Phone Hacking?
Update: The newspaper article that contains the Jenny Jones quote is not from this week, but rather from over a month ago. I had it emailed to me, and assumed…
Murdoch is a cancer. Sharpen the Scalpel.
We only have ourselves to blame. For years we’ve accepted that politicians and celebrities are somehow fair game for the attentions of the tabloid press. It’s allowed a culture to…