Dick of the year: George Osborne
This is a nomination for the Bright Green #Dick2010 award from Louise Hazan
George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Of all the dicks eligible for this award, there can’t be any more worthy than George Osborne. I would like to nominate the Chancellor of the Exchequer for:
– promising to protect the poorest in society from spending cuts when it’s clear to all that his cuts will lead to more children living in poverty, more homelessness and rising unemployment.
– claiming that austerity cuts are economically necessary when they are ideologically motivated and have been proven disastrous elsewhere. Simply look to Ireland to see what George Osborne is advocating for the UK.
– allowing the bankers responsible for the financial crisis to continue paying themselves fat bonuses this year, many with public money.
– attempting to dismantle the welfare state upon which millions of Britons rely everyday.
– protecting the interests of the rich (eg. writing off tax bills for his mates Vodaphone) and refusing to close-up tax loopholes which would raise billions.
– pulling the plug on the Green Investment Bank which had real potential for leveraging much-needed investment in renewable technology and innovation to combat climate change.
I could go on… and on. Suffice it to say there is no single Tory more responsible for the swingeing cuts and attacks on public services we face today. I urge you to vote him as Dick of the Year 2010
I think Osborne is plain evil, so evil in fact that if we won the dick award he would give dicks a bad name.