#OccupyLSX – initial statement

At the assembly on the occupied steps of St Paul’s, the following were agreed today. This is only a draft statement, and can always be added to, amended, or changed.
1 The current system is unsustainable. It is undemocratic and unjust. We need alternatives; this is where we work towards them.
2 We are of all ethnicities, backgrounds, genders, generations, sexualities dis/abilities and faiths. We stand together with occupations all over the world.
3 We refuse to pay for the banks’ crisis.
4 We do not accept the cuts as either necessary or inevitable. We demand an end to global tax injustice and our democracy representing corporations instead of the people.
5 We want regulators to be genuinely independent of the industries they regulate.
6 We support the strike on the 30th November and the student action on the 9th November, and actions to defend our health services, welfare, education and employment and to stop wars and arms dealing.
7 We want structural change towards authentic global equality. The world’s resources must go towards caring for people and the planet, not the military, corporate profits or the rich.
8 We stand in solidarity with the global oppressed and we call for an end to the actions of our government and others in causing this oppression.
9 This is what democracy looks like. Come and join us!
(via http://occupylsx.org/?p=221)
This is true democracy. My support is on you, people. Let us work and live for democracy!
I’ve made my own wish list of demands for the Occupy movement. And a few that thery should avoid.
Very good initial statement in my view.
Ignore the troll.
Great statement.
Oh, that’s nice.
a) I have a job thanks.
b) Youth unemployment is at 1 million. There are many more people looking for jobs than there are jobs going.
c) These people are risking arrest, having lengthy meetings, arranging food/shelter etc for each other and sleeping on the freezing cold stone ground. It’s hard to call that lazy.
Get a job you lazy fuckers