Q&A – Deputy leader candidate Daniella Radice: “Any progressive alliance needs to guarantee PR”
In the latest of Bright Green’s coverage of the Green Party of England and Wales’ leadership election, we’ve interviewed all the Deputy Leadership candidates.
Voting is now open (check your inbox for an email from Electoral Reform Services if you haven’t voted yet!) and closes on the 25th August.
(Full Q&As with the leadership candidates are here)
Here’s Deputy Leadership candidate Daniella Radice:
I am standing for deputy leader because I want to use the experience I have gained as a local councillor, assistant mayor and party co-ordinator at a national level. I want to ensure that the Green Party continues to grow and gain stature as a national party.
2. Could you give some info on your background? (E.g. education, class, employment e tc.)
For the last three years I have been a councillor on Bristol City Council, a unitary authority. Before that I was an environmental advisor, working in both the waste and rail industries. I have a Masters degree in Environmental Technology and a degree in Biology.
3. What are your top priorities as Deputy Leader if elected?
My top priorities as deputy leader would be to ensure good communication between local parties, councillor groups and the national party. This would mean that national campaigning reflected local priorities as much as possible. I would also support the party leader in promoting the party through all forms of media, and working to develop links between the Green Party and sympathetic NGOs. My focus would be on helping us win elections everywhere. I am also keen to campaign on housing which is an issues we have a unique perspective on, and the problems we face now have been caused by years of policy failure by both main parties.
4. How do you see the Greens relating to the Labour Party and the wider left?
We are Greens because we have a unique vision of the world, one in which social and environmental justice are inextricably interlinked. It is our role to bring our own unique policy ideas forward in all elections and to bring new and different ideas about how the world should work into the debate. Therefore I am fairly wary of alliances with other groups that do not share our key insights. I think there is a case for a progressive alliances, but not without guarantees of the Labour party converting to the support of proportional representation.
5. How should the party respond to Brexit? What, if anything, should we be calling for now?
I think we should continue to make the case about the benefits of EU membership that we made before the election, particularly around the benefits of the free movement of people. As a priority we need to call for all EU laws that enshrine environmental and workers’ rights to be kept as part of UK law. We also need to make a case that any new trade agreements do not weaken either consumer protection or environmental standards and protections that we have.
6. What separates you from the other candidates?
I am distinct from the other candidates in that I have held executive office as a Green in a core city of the UK. As Assistant Mayor taking part in a cross-party cabinet I have had first- hand experience of working to implement Green policies in the context of a non-green administration. During my time as Assistant Mayor I implemented a new resource management (waste policy) for the council, championed equal representation on the council, represented Bristol at the International summit on Climate Change and resisted the closure of Bristol’s libraries, amongst many other responsibilities.
7. If elected, would this be your full-time job?
8. Any final thoughts or comments // Closing statement.
As a party, the way we can grow is to enable our members to campaign and help them win. We need to ensure that we have adequate support mechanisms in place enable this to happen throughout England and Wales. I know that getting Green policies implemented up and down the land is important and will change our country for the better, which is why I will do everything I can to maximise our electoral success.
I will be voting for Daniella because of her presentational skills and political judgement, and also because of her bravery. She is the voice of sweet reason, always prepared to listen to others and try to find consensus, while never compromising her defence of a principled position. As the public face of a campaign to stop a huge supermarket being built on Bristol Rovers Ground, she was absolutely hounded by Rovers supporters who saw her as the person who was stopping them getting a new stadium. While all other political parties were running scared of the football lobby, local people recognised that Daniella had stuck up for them, and she was rewarded by the silent majority at the next election. Sadly, She lost her seat at a subsequent election because of misguided Greens splitting their vote to support Corbyn, and by dint of having a surname in the second half of the alphabet. She’d be a great deputy leader, willowy but tough.
Daniella seems very good But I think if we have joint leaders we need as many as 4 deputy leaders!!!