Why the Green Party is wrong about NATO
The Green Party of England and Wales has adopted a new policy on defence and changed its position on NATO.
On the fifth episode of #BrightGreenLive, our editor Chris Jarvis interviewed Stop the War Coalition convener Lindsey German. In their conversation, they discussed Stop the War’s criticism of NATO, whether the Green Party’s demands for reform are realistic and whether the left needs to change its position on NATO in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Watch the full interview here:
Image credit: NATO – Creative Commons
How disappointing the Green Party has stepped away from leaving NATO policy
To deny this is a US led ‘military alliance ‘ serving to protect US hegemony and the West dominance , history shows us this
How sad the Green Party have succumbed . There is no compromise in NATO , it id about bullying and coercion
I would not vote for this party as I fear they would be a mirror party of neo cons as we see with Germany’s Green Party , such a shame
Thank fully we have the workers party which is against imperialism