The Green Party’s future is to the left of Labour
Image credit: YouTube screengrab For many of us in the Green Party, the Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party presented a moral quandary. He was the most radical leader the…
The next Green leader must mobilise an alliance to kick out the Tories
A year ago, alongside six other Green Party MEPs, I was elected to the European Parliament in a vote that no one expected to happen, even just weeks earlier. The…
The grassroots green revolution is why I’m proud to have represented the South East in the European Parliament
It sometimes feels at the moment like the world is a dangerously depressing place. Fires continue to rage, air pollution is still killing thousands of Brits a year and many…
Boris Johnson has taken a wrecking ball to democracy – but we can fix it
Parliament has just won the first step in wrangling power away from Boris Johnson - the weakest leader we have ever experienced - who has been taking a wrecking ball…
Climate change is environmental racism. A Green New Deal is the only way to fight it.
This summer has seen the UK swelter under some of the hottest days on record. While much of the media irresponsibly framed this heatwave as a good thing, for the…
18 months to save the planet
Image credit: Creative Commons, Tom Corser Another week, and apparently another delay to the long-awaited energy white paper. Bigger news may have rocked the political boat over the last week,…
Why I voted against the Brighton budget
So, the Brighton and Hove Council Budget has been passed, but people are still asking me the question: why didn’t you vote ‘for’ the budget with all of the other…