Green Parties

Green councillors demand emergency funding to tackle coronavirus crisis – UK Green news round up issue 56

Green councillors demand emergency funding to tackle coronavirus crisis Image credit: YouTube screengrab With the coronavirus crisis rumbling on, local councils are increasingly facing pressure on services and their finances.…
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Green Parties

Young Greens launch ‘unprecedented programme of political education’ – UK Green news round up issue 55

Young Greens launch 'unprecedented programme of political education' The Young Greens of England and Wales this week launched an "unprecedented programme of training and political education." The youth branch of…
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Green Parties

Abortion reform, Covid-19 testing for teachers and fossil fuel divestment – UK Green news round up issue 53

Greens call for abortion law reform Image credit: Global Justice Now - Creative Commons With the coronavirus crisis gripping the country, healthcare has been at the top of the country's…
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Green Parties

Greens respond to coronavirus, the budget and transphobia in the Guardian – UK Green news round up issue 51

Greens call for "solidarity pact" as a response to coronavirus crisis In the past two weeks, the crisis surrounding coronavirus has rapidly escalated. The government has been issuing regular advice…
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