Thoughts from the austerity frontline – Something we can do
For the past week, I’ve been reading Paul Mason’s ‘Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere’, which I thoroughly recommend. I’ve been reading it mostly while travelling between appointments and workplace visits…
Call in the army? Remember Northern Ireland…
At the time of writing, it’s difficult to comprehend the scale of the trouble in London, not to mention Birmingham, Leeds or Liverpool. One thing is for sure though: the…
Labour, loveable institutions, elections and the real big picture: a scattershot attempt to start a painful discussion
02:59 in a bedroom in Belfast is the wrong time and place to get deeply restless and fired up for a new, robust, proud and striving social democracy. And, as…
Letter from Northern Ireland: our non-movement and what it means
Lorcan is Deputy President of NUS USI (Northern Ireland) When I was approached to write for Bright Green, I was asked to write about the Northern Ireland student movement. I’m…