Bartolotti elected Wales deputy leader by one vote
Picture by Wales Green Party Pippa Bartolotti (right) has been elected joint deputy leader of Wales Green Party – by just one vote. The former leader of Wales Green Party…
Wales Green Party leader Alice Hooker-Stroud: ‘We will win seats in May’
New Wales Green Party leader Alice Hooker-Stroud brought conference to a standing ovation today as she delivered her first conference address since being elected. Hooker-Stroud, who took over from Pippa Bartolotti…
Alice Hooker-Stroud elected as Wales Green Party leader, Hannah Pudner as deputy leader
Alice Hooker-Stroud, the new leader of the Wales Green Party. This morning it was announced that Alice Hooker-Stroud has been elected as the new Leader of the Wales Green Party with Hannah Pudner serving…