What happened to the Green Party of 2015?
Anti-Austerity Green bloc in 2015. Image via Alan Stanton, Creative Commons. The Green Party of England and Wales are the only political party I have ever joined. I signed up…
The case against ‘Progressive’ Alliances
It’s taken a while for me to get around to writing this piece. It could probably have been written at just about any point since the 2015 General Election,…
#SGPconf: We need more jobs and workers need more power
We need to radically rethink our relationship with work, give workers more power and end austerity - that was the message from a discussion session on jobs and austerity at…
Second attempt to pass Brighton budget succeeds despite Green unrest
Brighton and Hove City Council today passed a budget which involved more cuts, despite another rebellion by some Greens. The move comes just days after Bright Green reported the first…
More on a Plaid Cymru/Green Party electoral pact
Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood Last week I argued that Plaid and the Greens should make electoral pacts to protect (and maybe win) seats for Plaid. My argument was that…