Daleks and Disableism: Steven Moffat on Mental Illness
With the start of a new series of Doctor Who comes the inevitable unpicking of writer and producer Steven Moffat's perceived attitudes and prejudices. Other feminist bloggers will no doubt…
Women Of The Year 2011 (No Pandas)
As Christmas day passes and the population spends a few days in the doldrums waiting for New Year’s Eve, journalists across the land begin to hastily gather information and evidence…
James Murdoch accepts 74% pay rise to $17m
James Murdoch has accepted a pay rise of 74%. That's right, after the phone hacking scandal, closure of News of the World, and his messy evidence at Parliament, the hereditory…
Russell Kane is a sexist bully
Russell Kane, on Thursday night, was featured in a BBC Comedy Festival special from Edinburgh. In his short set, he said that women ‘moan’ about getting unwanted male attention but…
Dick of the year: Ben Brown
This is a nomination for the Bright Green Dick of the Year award from @tweeting1aurie - Any more? please email 200 words to Ben Brown - journalist. This nomination came…
Radio 3 interupted over Israel
This is a guest post written by Benedict Young - a member of York Palestine Solidarity Campaign BBC Radio 3, at 13:17 (or so), March 29, was broadcasting a performance…