Close council by-election shows that Suffolk is a ‘straight choice between Greens and Conservatives’
Green Party campaigners and politicians in Suffolk have said that a recent close by-election in the county shows that locally elections are between themselves and the Tories. In a by-election…
Ellie Chowns replaces Carne Ross as Green Party global solidarity spokesperson
Carne Ross has stepped down as the Green Party of England and Wales' global solidarity spokesperson. He is being replaced in the role by the Green MP for North Herefordshire…
Green Party becomes largest party on Lancaster Council after by-election win
The Green Party has become the largest party on Lancaster Council after winning a seat from Labour in a by-election. In the Scotforth East by-election on Thursday 3 October, the…
Interview with Jack Lenox – Publications Co-ordinator candidate for GPEx
Throughout August, members of the Green Party for England & Wales will be voting to elect members of the next Green Party Executive (GPEx). In all, members will vote to…
Interview with Peter Underwood – External Communications Co-ordinator candidate for GPEx
Throughout August, members of the Green Party for England & Wales will be voting to elect members of the next Green Party Executive (GPEx). In all, members will vote to…
Interview with Daniel Keeling – Publications Co-ordinator candidate for GPEx
Throughout August, members of the Green Party for England & Wales will be voting to elect members of the next Green Party Executive (GPEx). In all, members will vote to…
Interviews with Alex Horn & Erwin Schaefer – International Co-ordinator candidates for GPEx
Throughout August, members of the Green Party for England & Wales will be voting to elect members of the next Green Party Executive (GPEx). In all, members will vote to…
Interview with Adrian Spurrell – Chair candidate for GPEx
Throughout August, members of the Green Party for England & Wales will be voting to elect members of the next Green Party Executive (GPEx). In all, members will vote to…
Interview with Peter Sims & Sam Alston – Policy Development Co-ordinator candidates for GPEX
Throughout August, members of the Green Party for England & Wales will be voting to elect members of the next Green Party Executive (GPEx). In all, members will vote to…
BREAKING: Green Party membership hits 50,000
Membership of the Green Party of England and Wales today hit 50,000. The party has seen rapid, continuous growth since the local elections held in May. And it marks the…