Fighting privatisation, from buses to schools – UK Green news round up week 24
John Finnie celebrates victory that could transform bus services in Scotland Image credit: YouTube screengrab This week, the Scottish Parliament made an historic decision. It voted to accept amendments to…
A tale of two mayors – UK Green news round up week 7
Creative Commons - Rachel_H and John Lubbock Sian Berry announced as Green Party candidate for London Mayor After a long selection process, Siân Berry - the co-leader of the Green…
Conference firsts, publicly owned trains and Young Greens campaigns – UK Green news round up week 6
Clare Bailey hosts first conference of Green Party in Northern Ireland as leader Via YouTube screen grab While Stormont is still at a standstill, the ongoing churn of the political…
Abortion rights, budget wars and Brexit tours – UK Green news round up week 4
Green Party in Northern Ireland demand abortion law reform YouTube screen grab The Green Party in Northern Ireland called for legalisation of abortion this week. While legal in the rest…
Brexit, railways and Thatcher – UK Green news round up week 3
Caroline Lucas enters Brexit negotiations with Theresa May Creative Commons: GPEW After a week of intense political machinations, we’re still no closer to clarity on the direction of travel for…
Small sausages – Green news round up week 2
YouTube screen grab Amelia Womack 1, Piers Morgan 0 After last week's furore over Caroline Lucas' proposals on taxing meat, Green Party of England and Wales Deputy Leader Amelia Womack…
New year, new structures and new policies – Green news round up week 1
YouTube screen grab Welcome to the first of many Bright Green news round-ups. As part of the revamped and relaunched Bright Green, we'll be bringing a weekly round up of…
Green Party elect new committees
Following on from a vote at conference, the Green Party of England and Wales has elected new members to eight of its national committees. Notable amongst the elected is life…
Bristol Greens launch crowdfunder to elect Molly Scott Cato
Bristol Greens are crowdfunding to help elect Molly Scott-Cato as the UK’s second Green MP. The local party are trying to raise £11,000 through crowdfunding site FundSurfer, with the fundraiser…
To defeat the Tories in 2020, we need a progressive alliance
Tories: The enemy within. This article is part of Bright Green's 'Labour or Green?' series- if you'd like to contribute to this series, please send a draft to The…