Green Party’s new ‘global solidarity’ spokesperson supported military intervention in Syria
The Green Party of England and Wales recently announced a list of 13 new spokespeople. Among them is Carne Ross, who has taken on the brief of 'global solidarity'. Ross…
Green Party backs self-identification for gender recognition certificates
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales today voted for a motion which supports the principle of self-identification for people seeking to obtain gender recognition certificates. The motion…
Interview with Daniel Keeling – Publications Co-ordinator candidate for GPEx
Throughout August, members of the Green Party for England & Wales will be voting to elect members of the next Green Party Executive (GPEx). In all, members will vote to…
LGBTIQA+ Greens release scorecard for Green Party internal election candidates
Earlier this month, the LGBTIQA+ Greens asked the candidates standing in the Green Party of England and Wales internal elections to commit to eight pledges on LGBTIQA+ rights. The pledges…
LGBTIQA+ Greens ask GPEx candidates to commit to eight pledges
The Green Party of England and Wales Executive (GPEx) and leadership elections are now in full swing. With nominations closing on June 30, and a full list of candidates confirmed…
Green Party leadership election underway – UK Green news round up issue 63
Content note: This article discusses transphobia in the second and third articles, domestic abuse and sexual violence in the third article, and racism in the fifth and sixth articles. First…