Why socialists should join the Green Party #4: Greens support a major redistribution of wealth
Where should socialists put their energy in 2023? This is a question facing many on the left. There are some obvious answers. The wave of industrial militancy that has swept…
Why the Green Party supports a £15 minimum wage
On the fourth episode of #BrightGreenLive, our editor Chris Jarvis interviewed Catherine Rowett, a former MEP for the East of England and the Green Party's spokesperson for work and social…
£15 an hour minimum wage motion receives most supporters for Green Party conference
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will meet in Harrogate this autumn for the party's biannual conference. At the conference, members will debate and vote on motions…
The Green Party needs to embrace a £15 an hour minimum wage or embrace irrelevance
To be a 27 year old hospitality worker in 2022 is to live fairly frugally. As a barista in Brighton and Hove, the phrase “London rents, Brighton wages” is fairly…
Turkey’s new minimum wage is ‘far from meeting the expectations of workers’, union claims
Turkey’s largest trade union centre has called the country’s minimum wage increase ‘inadequate’ and said it will ‘victimize’ workers. The Minimum Wage Determination Commission, which sets the minimum wage in…