The vulnerability of power – on Gaddafi, Mubarak, and the USA
The vulnerability of power always amazes us. When the icons of strength crumble, we are forever astonished. From the fall of the Berlin Wall and Soviet Union to the fall…
BP support for Mubarak dictatorship revealed
This post by Mika Minio-Paluello first appeared on his blog over at PLATFORM, who have recently joined twitter The millions on the streets of Cairo, Alexandria and Suez are furious…
Egypt: we can’t predict, so let’s dream
By Ben Young - a writer and campaigner living in York Last month, Palestine campaigners in York held a sombre discussion about what 2011 might hold for the Middle East.…
Time to stop recognising Mubarak
What is a president? At what point does someone stop being the president? These are complex questions. Who the UK government recognises as the legitimate president of a country is…
Help stop a massacre in Egypt today
Image courtesty of Sarah Carr via flickr The brave people of Egypt are standing up. The oppressive government which has ruled them for years is shaking at its core as…