How the Green Party has changed Brighton & Hove
On the third episode of #BrightGreenLive, our editor Chris Jarvis interviewed Brighton & Hove Council leader Phelim Mac Cafferty. In the conversation they discussed how the Green Party's record in…
Brighton & Hove’s new Green leader’s first speech in full
On July 23, the Green Party took control of Brighton & Hove City Council. This followed two Labour councillors resigning from their party, making the Greens the largest group on…
Winning free bus travel for under 18s – UK Green news round up issue 50
Scottish Greens win free bus travel for under 18s Image credit: Creative Commons: Ric Lander The Scottish Green Party achieved a major victory this week. As part of its negotiations…
Forget tactical voting. Now’s the time to vote Green.
Greens didn’t call this election. And we think it’s wrong to proceed to an election now instead of attempting to resolve the single biggest constitutional crisis first with a People’s…
Jenny Jones to join campaign to stop a Brighton school becoming an academy
Image credit: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Creative Commons The campaign to stop a Brighton school becoming an academy is about to be boosted by a high profile backer. Jenny Jones, the Green member…
Caroline vs. Gimli – UK Green news round up week 17
Caroline Lucas takes part in fiery Question Time debate Image Credit: BBC Screengrab This week, Green MP Caroline Lucas was a panellist on Question Time. The show saw a range of topics…
Brighton & Hove Greens launch radical manifesto for local elections
Image Credit: Creative Commons: Brighton Guy Brighton & Hove Green Party have launched their manifesto for the local elections taking place in May. Their election pledges cover a wide range…
Newport to Brighton, Spalding to Holyrood – UK Green news round up week 9
Amelia Womack sets out her stall for Newport West by-election Creative Commons: Krystyna Haywood After the sad passing of longstanding Labour MP Paul Flynn, a by-election has been called in…
Small sausages – Green news round up week 2
YouTube screen grab Amelia Womack 1, Piers Morgan 0 After last week's furore over Caroline Lucas' proposals on taxing meat, Green Party of England and Wales Deputy Leader Amelia Womack…