Zack Polanski elected deputy leader of the Green Party
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales have elected Zack Polanski as their new deputy leader. Polanski currently sits on the London Assembly, and becomes only the fifth…
Results of Green Party deputy leadership election to be announced on September 7
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales have been voting to elect a new deputy leader this summer, with members having until August 31 to cast their ballots.…
Zack Polanski would use his platform as Green Party deputy leader to support trans liberation
I wasn’t alive in the 1980s. I don’t remember the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, or the millions of global deaths due to a public health approach tarnished by homophobia.…
Patrick Harvie calls for Green Party of England and Wales to expel Shahrar Ali
In an unprecedented move, the co-leader of the Scottish Green Party - Patrick Harvie - has called for a candidate for the deputy leadership of the Green Party of England…
Three Green Party deputy leader candidates pledge to repeal anti-union laws
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will be electing a new deputy leader this summer. There are four candidates in the running, all of whom are being…
Zack Polanski accuses Shahrar Ali of ‘siding with Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’ on trans rights
The Green Party of England and Wales' deputy leadership election is now in full swing, with a number of hustings taking place over the past week. On Tuesday, over 150…
Shahrar Ali to stand for Green Party deputy leadership
A third candidate in the Green Party of England and Wales deputy leadership election has come forward as nominations for the contest closed at 12pm today. Shahrar Ali, who was…
London Green Party votes for motion reaffirming commitment to trans rights
London Green Party members this evening reiterated their commitment to fighting for trans rights. Members voted for a motion which stated the regional branch of the Green Party of England…
Shahrar Ali removed as Green Party spokesperson
The Green Party of England and Wales has removed Shahrar Ali from his role as the party's spokesperson for policing and domestic safety. The decision was confirmed by the chair…
The Final Countdown – Green Party leadership election round up issue 6
Last dash for endorsements As the Green Party of England and Wales leadership election enters its final stretch, candidates have been making their final dash for endorsements. Team Womack-Omond are…