Five ways you can help the UCL rent strike
Photo: UCL Cut the Rent This Monday, students at UCL escalated their rent campaign and declared an indefinite rent strike. 150 students in UCL halls are withholding what amounts to…
Students at Durham held a funeral for accessible education – here’s why
Photo: Grace Tseng Last Tuesday, 8th December, students at Durham held a funeral for accessible education. This was a direct response to the latest announcement of an increase college fees…
Divestment, occupation and an unapologetically radical student movement
Photo: Yali Rosa I’m an elected Sabbatical Officer at UEA and I recently participated in an occupation on my campus which was the culmination of a two year campaign calling…
The student movement is about to kick off – here’s 4 things Young Greens can do
'Students not consumers!' Callum Cant taking part in a Free Education Demo this March. Photo: William Pinkney-Baird The student movement is about to kick off. This is not an original observation -…
National free education demo called for 4th November
Last November's national demo for free education, which brought 10,000 people to the streets of London. The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) has called another demonstration on 4 November…
Are we ready to shake things up?
Collage by Sahaya James This election has been transformative for the Greens: we have seen an incredible surge in support and membership, we have provided voters a Green voice in…
Grassroots radicalism drives change at NUS
Young Green David Stringer gives his thoughts on this year's NUS Conference. Photo: William Pinkney-Baird. For two decades the NUS has had a reputation as both a fluffy debating club,…
‘We need to get students to leverage the political potential in the local population’: interview with Abdi-aziz Suleiman
William Pinkney-Baird interviews Abdi-aziz Suleiman, standing for Vice President Union Development at NUS Conference next week, in the sixth and final of a series of interviews with some of the…
My university is trying to ban me from protesting – because they know it works
'This protest is about students reclaiming possession of education, rejecting cuts and defending our right to protest. We will not be silenced.' Photo: Shelly Asquith Almost a month ago, I…
‘Without college funding, there’s not going to be any reason to fight for other causes’ – interview with Shakira Martin, candidate for NUS VP Further Education
In the second of a series of interviews with some of the left-wing candidates for NUS leadership, William Pinkney-Baird interviews Shakira Martin, standing for VP Further Education. ‘We’re screaming that…