Scottish Greens pledge to introduce Universal Basic Income pilots
The Scottish Greens have said they would introduce Universal Basic Income pilots in communities across Scotland. A Universal Basic Income is a mechanism that would provide everyone with a guaranteed…
Scottish independence could see Universal Basic Income introduced, Scottish Greens say
Independence would allow Scotland to 'reverse Tory cuts and austerity', and introduce a Universal Basic Income that would 'offer security and dignity', the Scottish Green Party has claimed. The Scottish…
The Green Party is the natural home of musicians and creatives
It’s fairly safe to say that most musicians and ‘creative-types’ tend to naturally gravitate towards the left of the political spectrum. Art engenders empathy, compassion and - usually - a…
We need a Financial Health Service to provide financial security from cradle to grave
When we have the next banking crisis, what should we do? From the experience of the last banking crisis, we have a reasonable idea of what the other parties would…
#BrightGreenDebates episode 3 highlights
In February, Bright Green launched a brand new series of events – the Bright Green Debates. Once a fortnight, Bright Green is bringing together leading figures on the left to discuss and debates the…
First London borough backs universal basic income pilot following Green Party motion
Islington has today become the first London Borough to back a trial implementation of a universal basic income following a motion proposed to Islington Council by Green Party councillor Caroline…
Amelia Womack leads campaign for universal basic income to support arts workers
Green Party of England and Wales deputy leader Amelia Womack this week wrote to chancellor Rishi Sunak demanding the introduction of a universal basic income to support arts workers. A…
Labour’s failure to embrace UBI shows they haven’t grasped the scale of the crisis
You know we’re in trouble when the BBC is proposing bolder economic policy than Labour. Yesterday morning, shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds appeared on the Today programme, and was asked by…
The government should tax now, and tax high
Four weeks into lockdown and the nation’s favourite investment banker, Rishi Sunak, continues to harvest his ever-growing orchard of magic money trees. The UK government is seeking to borrow £225…
Coronavirus under a Green government
Image credit: Creative Commons, Kelly Hill Here's an experiment. Imagine for a few minutes that we don’t have a rigged electoral system. Imagine that most people voted with their hearts…