Blocking the Bridge
When UK Uncut first launched, it was a direct action movement which people could get involved in. It was cheeky rather than shouty, encouraging is to remember that very British political tradition – civil disobedience.
When the police lied to 145 of us on the 26th of March, many journalists wrote the organisation off. Although the tactic used on that day was no different from those used before, the mass arrest gave hacks the impression that no one would take part any more. The court case would drain those who were involved, and discourage those who weren’t.
And so today was about standing together to defend the NHS. But it was also a key moment for UK Uncut. And today, around two thousand ordinary British people blocked Westminster Bridge, laughed together to Mark Thomas, Josie Long and Chris Coltrane, demanded together that our NHS must not be sold off, and said that UK Uncut is not over. We will continue. And by asserting that civil disobedience is a valid and a useful tactic, hopefully we can encourage others to use it too.
And this movement isn’t going anywhere. As Josie Long said today: “I don’t give a fuck what the result of this bill is. I will never stop fighting this”.

@dan mcquillan
I took part in some ‘Reclaim the Streets’ actions back in the 90’s and was there on Sunday for Block The Bridge. There always have been and always will be political activists and ordinary citizens agitating for progressive change and resisting undemocratic ones, but these organisations help us come together and do it in unison to better effect.
Solidarity comrade.
Well done to the people who went to block the bridge and the bill, and to the millions who weren’t able to (like me) but were thinking of you and the NHS. Great to see some photos and read this welcome piece of the day. Those who seek to gain financially from pushing this bill through will cause suffering to others, and anyone who does this will try to shift the blame from themselves when it goes terribly wrong by pointing the finger at others, they will invent scapegoats, just like David Cameron over the phone hacking. If the Bill is passed and the private sector starts making big mistakes with Health care they will blame ‘the past’, the NHS, just like the Libdems and Cons have done with the economy, ‘the past’ is to blame, the last Government. UKUncut doesn’t resort to mirroring the ugly tactics of those who are bent on destroying the NHS. Continue growing UKuncut, continue the creativity, remain human and humane and keep your sense of humour whatever. What you’re doing shows you’re truly a ‘living force’, challenge and pity those who are dead in their ignorance and delusion who are pushing through this bill, and stay compassionate.
I don’t know if any UKUncutters remember Reclaim The Streets, but here’s a good piece from 1997’s ‘Do or Die’ about the evolution of that movement.
like UK Uncut, it found itself evolving rapidly beyond a specific issue to broad-based festivities of resistance – all while (like UK Uncut) remaining determinedly open.