Dick of the Year – Jeremy Clarkson
This is a nomination for Bright Green’s Dick of the Year 2011 award from Liz Ely. To submit your own nomination email 200 or so words to editors (at) brightgreenscotland (dot) org. We’ll close nominations on Saturday and open voting in the New Year.
For me, Dick of the Year is an award that might as well have been made forJeremy Clarkson, the only reason not to bestow it upon him being the fact that Isuspect disdain from the green left is the sort of thing that sustains his hideouslife force. Jeremy Clarkson embodies dickishness in a brutish ‘anyone whodoesn’t drive a big car fast is a homosexual, which is obviously an insult rightlads’ kind of a way, whilst pretending not to be a loathsome Cotswolds posho. Oh, that and he said on live television that low paid workers should be shot forwanting not to retire in poverty, oh it’s ok, he was talking about balance on the BBC, he didn’t mean it, it’s just a joke….of course.
Apologies both for bumping an old post, and for the following bit of self-promotion but whenever I see someone sharing my persistent disdain for Clarkson I just want to share with them a stupid song myself and a friend did recently. Hope it’s okay (and again, apologies for the shameless whoring, but it’s always nice to find others who think the man’s a cock) 🙂 http://www.intermittentexplosivedisorder.co.uk/2013/06/why-cant-jeremy-clarkson-just-f-k-off/
He’s just a very watered-down half-hearted Ann Coulter. His biggest crime is that he’s dull and unfunny.
My desire to have him banned from the airwaves is just pandering to my own cryptofascist side that says that because I pay a license fee I have some right to dictate the schedule (like a liberal version of the taxpayer’s alliance).
The BBC is good, because it doesn’t allow any one to stay in their comfort zone (except Radio 4, which I enjoy more than I should).
Whenever they are accused of bias by people holding every opinion under the sun, I think they must be doing something right.
He would relish the title and I don’t think you should give this odious man any more airtime. PS you are not low paid if you are on £60K+!
Now that is one I can agree with….. except that he’d probably be proud of the title.