Breastfeeding: stop staring at me
by Fiona Peacock
I recently took my daughter for her eight week check. The waiting room at my Doctor’s is adorned with signs explaining it is a breastfeeding friendly space, and there are cartoon images of breastfeeding women on the walls. This is all simply to make women feel comfortable breastfeeding, because the waiting room has no choice whether women breastfeed or not, their right to is protected by law.
The Sexual Discrimination Act* protects a woman’s right to breastfeed in public, and so it bloody should. Women cannot be asked to stop breastfeeding in public places such as restaurants, cafes, surgeries, on buses etc. Hopefully most breastfeeding mothers are aware of this. But to add extra peace of mind, many places now display signs (such as the ones at my Doctor’s surgery) to ensure women know they are free to breastfeed.
This is all very well and good, but it is the general public who often make breastfeeding mothers feel unwelcome, or this is my experience anyway. Take today as a rather extreme example.
I was in my overtly breastfeeding-friendly doctor’s surgery, discretely feeding my daughter, when a man said: “Can I have a drink too?”
This completely took me surprise. I looked up to find a toothless old man staring at me. My first thought was: “Ah, so that’s where that funny smell was coming from.”, the second was “F*ck you.”
I didn’t say it out loud, mostly because I was completely taken aback and could do little other than stare at him in disbelief. I mean, a complete stranger, who was sat very close to me, basically just said: “Can I suck your tits?”
I didn’t say anything, I was too shocked. It was a quiet waiting room, and I’m sure if I’d tried to make a witty, concise statement it would have turned into a long screechy rant. There were other people in the waiting room, and they too were all staring at the man with looks of disgust and disbelief. At least the audience was on my side.
This was a particularly strange encounter, but breastfeeding women are no stranger to audience participation in what is a private act. It seems some people don’t realise that you are allowed to breastfeed in public. My friend who works in a cafe said she will often have customers coming over to inform her that a woman is breastfeeding, and these customers are often surprised to discover that this is legally acceptable. Clearly to them it is not yet socially acceptable.
A couple of weeks ago, the hideous tramps on Loose Women discussed breastfeeding in public, one of them said that she had always made the effort to breastfeed in the toilet. She also pointed out that if a man took his penis out he would be flashing. Well yes, he would. What has that got to do with breastfeeding?
Let’s go back to her first point, and imagine the scene… You’re in a cafe, enjoying a nice pot of tea when you decide you’d like something a bit more substantial. You make your way to the toilets. Upon opening the first cubicle door you discover that a previous visitor has left a (rather messy) surprise in the bowl for you. You decide to try the next cubicle. There’s a bit of urine on the seat, but you wipe that off with the toilet paper provided. It’s a shame about the smell radiating from the next cubicle, but you have no options. You whip out your packed lunch and tuck in. You wouldn’t do it would you, so why would you expect your baby to eat in the toilet?
A feed can last up to 40 minutes, is society really expecting me to sit in a toilet cubicle for 40 minutes to feed my baby, even though by law I can feed her in the actual cafe? Then consider the number of times a baby feeds each day, if I’m out should I keep returning to the unhygienic and depressing toilet cubicle to feed her?
Breastfeeding isn’t a form of exhibitionism, I’m not trying to get attention or show off my baps. I’m not trying to push boundaries, I’m not breaking the law, I’m not trying to arouse, offend or shock. I’m merely trying to feed my hungry baby before she starts crying. Please don’t look at me in disgust, or whisper to your middle aged friends about me. I don’t care if this wasn’t “the done thing in your day”. It is in mine. And if it wasn’t, I’d be one of the women campaigning for change.
*or, in Scotland, the Breastfeeding Act
this piece first appeared on Fiona’s blog
Regardless of anyone’s “story” or past, the comment is completely uncalled for. I wish you would have told him to f off!!
Difficult one. Obviously the comment is bang out of order but the old man might be a short of something upstairs these days? Maybe once upon a time he stood in front of bullets for ‘us’?
Goodness knows what lives other people have led. Just a thought.
Good for you, Fiona! And many congrats on not saying the second thing that came to your mind – font know if I could’ve been that controlled!
Amanda, if you were, God forbid, harassed on a night out, I don’t imagine that you would simply say ‘that’s what pervs do’ – although that is more or less precisely the attitude people might have had in the 1950s or even the 1960s. ‘Pervs’ in this context are not just a fact of life. They are produced by a particular set of social norms. The one positive thing about this horrible experience is that these appalling attitudes were (in this case) expressed by a single ‘toothless old man’. I have to say I feel rather sorry for him. The world has moved on, and attitudes which probably seem normal for him are now those of a dirty old creep. He’s still a dirty old creep, mind. And not having had to breast feed in public myself I guess it’s easy for me to say that.
breast pump…been there/done it twice. otherwise continue to be looked at by pervs…cos guess what?? that’s what pervs do………
I never had any rude comments when breastfeeding my twins just really odd ones! The little old lady in m and s cafe one day was the best, she’d obviously seen me feed one then hand that one to my Mum then pick up the other to feed them, she said “are they both yours?”. I am quite liberal but I only breast fed my own children! I did get some funny looks, but as a twin mum you get that regardless! I would never tandem feed in town centres or public places,that’s not discreet whichever way you do it, but I fed the girls everywhere from the beach to a church!
Thanks Fiona, what a dick.
This is a fantastic article. I could not agree with you more!
Thanks for writing it and I plan to share it :$
What a creep, thankfully in all my times of publicly breastfeeding my 4 kids I only ever seemed to encounter a few wayward stares and non of those seemed negative. I am thankful to live in what is for the most part a tolerant country to breastfeeding, the stories I hear from my American friends are shocking, women being asked to leave public places for breastfeeding and even being verbally abused by complete strangers for feeding their children in public.
Pop the baby in a sling (, available from Amazon), snap up the flap, and everything can proceed quite discreetly. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if people stare. The man’s comment was creepy though – and possibly actionable.
I am gobsmacked at what happened in the docs surgery and to hear that members of the public report women for breastfeeding in public places. As for whoever said that on Loose Women – that is shameful. I have never experienced anything like that, generally it’s all been pretty good and supportive. Pinner seems to be a pretty child friendly area. The worst experience I can remember is being noticibly stared at by a few passers-by outside a cafe in the little town of Berkhamstead.
I have to say… you have much more self control than I would’ve… also, my hubby comes with me on all DD’s appointments… they would’ve had to scrape that guy off the wall if DH had heard someone speak to me that way.
Great piece Fiona! Thankfully I haven’t encountered any dirty old men while feeding…..yet. I think I would have been shocked speechless too, what a creepy thing to say.
You make great points, society is an ass. I was especially saddened by a fella in his twenties telling me he thought breast feeding ‘is gross’ the same guy is a ‘tits man’ and ogles girls all the time *sigh*