Pippa Bartolotti fires starting gun on Green leader race
The Wales Green Party leader Pippa Bartolotti last night launched her bid for leadership of the whole England and Wales party, one of the first to do so after Caroline Lucas revealed she would not stand for a third two-year term in the post. Liverpool’s Peter Cranie announced his candidacy at about the same time: you can read about that here.
Bartolotti’s announcement came in a Facebook status, posted at around midnight, which read:
“Well everyone, it looks as though I am standing for Green Party leader England AND Wales. It’s high time there was some healthy competition for this role, and I’m hoping several people will put their name forward. The Greens need to open up the debate and forge a robust direction. Maybe I’m too straight talking for some, but I am prepared to stand up and tell it like it is.”
Bartolotti is an activist for Palestinian rights and has been arrested by the IDF. A former fashion designer, she has run two of her own companies, and been CEO of Encrypta Electronics. After a spell doing economic development work for the Welsh Assembly Government, she spent time travelling, and writes on her profile in the Huffington Post:
“I have lived in Cuba, backpacked round India, and driven a convoy of humanitarian aid across Europe to Gaza . In Syria, though I bear no arms, they call me Mujahadeen.”
She has been leader of the Welsh Green Party since Jake Griffiths stood down last year. Before this, she was their deputy leader.
There has been speculation about a number of potential candidates for party leader, and I am reliably informed that others will announce soon. But now with, Bartolotti and Cranie declaring, we know at least we will have a contest. Brighton Councillor Alex Philips announced her candidacy for deputy leader last week.
Party rules state that the deputy leader must not be the same sex as the leader. The winners of the elections will be announced at the party’s autumn conference.
Nice to see you the other weekend. You should be co-leader with your UK Feminista friend. I’ve only been a member for a few years but want to do my bit to nominate the right people.
While I am grateful that you trawl facebook so I don’t have to: With regards to the use of the term IDF. To use the term “defence”, to use the biological analogy, would term Pippa’s Welcome to Palestine campaign as a pathogen, a mere pest or disease, for Israel to defend. You might have other ideas as to whether it is necessary to use terms that forgive the IDF of war crimes, as defensive war is a duty as opposed to a war of aggression.
IDF is a commonly used term. I have a history of dealing with the Palestinian rights (for example attending the Green Party’s International Committee Hustings in London SOAS with my Israeli cousin who had served in the Israel’s armed forces, shelling her neighbours) and in my view IDF should not be used in this context. Pippa Bartolotti would agree with me that IDF is a creepy propaganda term originating in the last 50 years or so. The correct term in the context of human rights would be army, and is also a bit shorter.
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