Young Greens push for Greens to be included in General Election debates
The Young Greens yesterday launched a government epetition demanding that the Green Party be represented in the general election television debates.
The petition was sparked by a recent poll that indicated over half of Britons would want to see the party included on the platform.
The petition states “we feel it is right and in keeping with the democratic principles this country upholds that a representative of the Green Party be invited to take part, broadening the debate and presenting the electorate with a greater political spectrum with which to engage”.
It received 400 signatures in its first half a day online, and was at one point the third most signed epetition in an hour.
Launched in August 2011, if government epetitions amass 100,000 signatures, the subject will be considered for debate in parliament.
Press Officer of the Young Greens Lisa Camps commented “voter turnout is dismal at the moment, but what do you expect when you can barely tell the difference between the three biggest parties? Including the Green Party in the debate will broaden what’s on offer to the electorate, and give the opportunity to consider alternative ideas.
“People are frustrated with the status quo, it’s time for a fresh approach to politics”.
The Green Party currently has an MP, two MEPs, 141 councillors and polled third in the London Mayoral elections. In Scotland the Greens have two Members of the Scottish Parliament and 14 Councillors and in Northern Ireland there is one Green member of the Assembly and 2 Councillors. Greens are the only party represented in the European Parliament, Westminster, Holyrood, London Assembly and the Northern Ireland Assembly.
“Greens are the only party represented in the European Parliament, Westminster, Holyrood, London Assembly and the Northern Ireland Assembly.” Hang on! they are three seperate green parties – there is no UK Green Leader. The NI Greens are part of Comhaontas Glas (Irish Greens). I’m not sure the Scotish Green Party or GPEW want to be associated with Comhaontas Glas and the welfare cuts in Eire.