Vivienne Westwood pledges £300,000 to the Greens

Legendary punk fashion designer Vivienne Westwood is to donate £300,000 to the Green Party, the New Statesman’s May2015 site reported today.
Westwood told the site: “I have agreed to give the Greens a certain amount of money. It’s not very much for what political parties need but it’s going to be a big help to get them moving. A bit of oil on their wheels, put it that way.”
“You give your money where you think it’s going to do some good. What’s money for if it’s not to help make the world a better place?”
The move follows ex-Lib Dem Lord Oakeshott’s donation of £10,000 to Caroline Lucas’ election campaign for Brighton Pavillion last week as he pledged to support progressive candidates across the country.
Chris Luffingham, Green Party campaigns director, also told May2015: “The Green party wholeheartedly welcomes Vivienne’s support. To receive backing from such a highly respected campaigner, who has been so prominent in the battle against fracking and broader issues of climate change, is a real boom to the party as we look to translate the ‘Green surge’ into votes at the general election in May.
Looks like the Greens’ election campaign continues to build momentum. Perhaps we could be looking at winning a couple more seats in May? May the Green surge long continue…
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