Harry Giles will never vote Labour. Here’s why he’s joining Labour
Very unexpectedly, I just gave £3 to the Labour Party so that I can vote for Jeremy Corbyn in their leadership election.
Because Labour are a sick joke.
Because I want to hear more genuinely socialist policy arguments, however parliamentary, on national media.
Because I want both the media and the parliaments to hear that there is a significant socialist-inclined electorate in the UK.
Because none of the many polls showing the mass popularity of nationalisation or redistributive taxation seem to be getting through to them so it’s worth three quid to try something else.
Because someone offered me a pint if I would and I’ll make sure it’s a good and expensive pint.
Because I want to annoy some Blairites.
Because I want to annoy some SNPites.
Because I want to annoy Labour.
Because while I believe that most political change is truly driven by grassroots action and organisation, I don’t buy the argument that parliamentary democracy is purely an energy-draining distraction. (Only mostly.)
Because I do think that the discussion heard in parliament and media is part of shaping popular political imagination and a sense of possibility.
Because loads of Telegraph columnists think Jeremy Corbyn is a joke.
Because loads of Telegraph columnists think that anyone who believes in left-wing politics is a joke, or mad/insane/gibbering/dangerous.
Because loads of people genuinely think that anyone who wants nationalised industry and redistributive tax is mad/insane/gibbering/dangerous.
Because the very idea of “sanity” is bound up with power and oppression.
Because there’s a concerted media push to claim that the argument is over, the argument is won, history is over, and we all need to get in line, and this feels like a tiny way to say a tiny “No”.
Because I will never vote for the Labour Party in a national election.
Because the Daily Mash article “Corbyn in last-minute bid to be completely ignored” is really accurate and hilarious and true.
Because maybe if the new Scottish social movements heard an actual parliamentary socialist, however powerless, they might recognise what one sounds like and that Sturgeon is not it.
Because while I don’t advocate voting Labour in Scotland, I do think that we ought to demand better than the SNP’s essentially right-wing economic policy and record.
Because it took less time than writing this post.
Because it seemed funny.
Because why no?
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