Brighton & Hove Greens call for improvements to trans healthcare
Green Councillors in Brighton & Hove have called on the NHS in their city to review how it can improve healthcare for trans people. Two Green Councillors – Hannah Clare and Steph Powell – have written to the chair of the city’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, requesting a review of the state of trans healthcare in Brighton & Hove.
In 2013, Brighton & Hove’s Trans Equality Scrutiny Panel, chaired by the Council’s now leader Phélim Mac Cafferty, recommended many improvements to healthcare including the possibility of opening a gender identity clinic. Greens have asked that the NHS once again review these plans, with current figures showing that the waiting list for London’s gender identity clinic is over 10,000 and those referred have waits of around 5 years.
Councillor Hannah Clare, chair of Brighton & Hove’s Children, Young People and Skills Committee and deputy leader of the Council said,
In my role I regularly meet with young people and I’m struck by how many have reported their desire for better access to healthcare.
Recently, a young person in a school visit I undertook asked me why we had no Gender Identity Clinic in Brighton and Hove. Nearly 10 years after a request from the city’s trans scrutiny panel I think this is an incredibly important question which needs an answer.
Councillor Steph Powell, co-chair of Brighton & Hove’s Tourism, Equalities, Communities and Culture Committee added,
Trans people are right now under constantly attack in the press and online and the Government’s recent announcement on conversion therapy is a further blow. We must do more for our trans residents to help them feel safe and ensure they get the right access to healthcare.
I hope that the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee can have an in-depth look at this important topic and work with the NHS to introduce any required changes.
A 2021 study by TransActual found that 98% of trans people surveyed across the UK felt transition-related healthcare available on the NHS was not completely adequate.
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