Suite of radical policies to be debated by Green Party Conference
The Green Party of England and Wales will be holding its biannual conference from September 30 to October 2. Taking place in Harrogate, the conference will see members meet to discuss elements of the party’s policy platform.
Members are set to debate a suite of radical policy proposals at the conference following the results of the prioritisation ballot. The prioritisation ballot allows members to decide which motions they are most keen to hear, and determines the order in which things are heard at the party’s conference. Given the limited time at conference, only a small number of motions – those that get given a higher priority – end up being debated.
Policy motions which will appear at the top of the agenda this year are on topics including the restitution and repatriation of cultural objects obtained through colonialism, strengthening the party’s opposition to anti-trade union laws and mass investment in retrofitting of homes. In addition, a motion to reaffirm the party’s commitment to a £15 an hour minimum wage is third on the agenda for policy motions.
A highly controversial motion that would seek to force the party to leave the Stonewall Diversity Champions Scheme came last in the prioritisation ballot of 22 organisational motions. However, as a result of changes to the prioritisation system at the party’s last Autumn conference, the motion will appear fourth on the agenda, as motions which have been submitted to previous conferences are given extra weighting in the prioritisation process.
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