Manchester Green Party calls for £1 bus fares in local elections launch
Manchester Green Party has called for single fares on all local bus routes to be set at £1 as it launched its campaign for the 2023 local elections. Alongside this, the Greens are calling for free bus travel to be introduced for everyone under the age of 22.
The Greens, currently the largest opposition group on Manchester City Council with three councillors, will be standing a full slate of candidates across Manchester in the local elections on Thursday 4 May.
The party has published its full manifesto as it hopes to get more Greens elected to the City Council. Among the policies within it are commitments to make the city zero-carbon within ten years, introduce a Universal Basic Income in Manchester and improving access to Green spaces.
A total of 33 Green candidates are standing across Manchester’s 32 wards.
Scott Robinson, Chair of Manchester Green Party, said: “We are delighted to offer Manchester residents the opportunity to vote Green by standing 33 exciting candidates right across the city. We know how strong the appetite is for Green policies in Manchester after we became the largest opposition party in the city’s council chamber last year. We hope that voters will embrace our vision of making Manchester a more equal, sustainable and enjoyable place to live. Let’s make a fairer, greener Manchester!”
The Green Party is optimistic about gaining a seat in Woodhouse Park ward, where the party currently holds two of the three seats. Green group leader Cllr Astrid Johnson was elected in the ward last May, and now her colleague Anastasia Wiest is bidding to join her on Manchester City Council.
Wiest, 27, has been a Green Party member for over two years and recently worked as a natural environment tutor for the environmental charity Groundwork. Wiest said: “If elected, I would love to be a voice for young people in my ward, who are underrepresented in politics,” Anastasia said. “I also hope I can inspire more people to engage in politics by demonstrating that people should be able to expect active and caring local politicians. If we are to enact real change, we need a movement that is inclusive and recognises that social and environmental justice must come hand in hand. I’m very proud of what’s already been achieved in Manchester, and hope we can do even more with another voice on the council.”
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