Green Party celebrates 100 days of running East Hertfordshire Council
The Green Party has celebrated its first 100 days running East Hertfordshire District Council. The Greens swept to power on the authority in a major breakthrough in this year’s local elections in May, ending years of Tory rule and securing 19 seats. August 25 marked 100 days since the party took over the administration in a coalition in with the Liberal Democrats.
Councillor Ben Cystall, leader of East Hertfordshire District Council said: “I’m incredibly proud of the way that our first-time Green councillors have stepped up into new roles of responsibility. It has also been wonderful to see cooperation developing between the District Council and our Town councils, particularly in Hertford and Ware, and the strong partnership we’ve built with the Liberal Democrat Group in the Joint Administration. Clearly East Herts District Council and Hertford and Ware Town councils have already achieved a great deal, and despite financial challenges we are all aiming high in what we deliver for residents in the coming years.”
East Hertfordshire’s Green administration has highlighted what it sees as among its biggest achievements and priorities so far. They point to laying out an ‘accelerated path’ to net zero emissions, creating a new executive role focusing on improving resident and community engagement and resisting the closure of local train station ticket offices.
In addition, the group has set out its major objectives for the coming years while it remains in administration. Among them are a commitment to refreshing the local plan to heighten its focus on sustainability, deliver ‘truly affordable’ housing and improve engagement with local residents and communities.
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