Bob Bauld selected as Green Party candidate for Rossendale & Darwen
The Green Party has announced that Bob Bauld has been selected as its candidate for Rossendale & Darwen at the next general election.
Bauld is chair of the local Green Party and has previously been a candidate in local elections in both England and Scotland.
Speaking after his selection, Bob said “I’m delighted to have been chosen by our members and look forward to providing voters with a real alternative at the next general election. I know that people feel let down by the main political parties with their broken promises and scandals. They want a fairer and greener approach and that is what the Green Party offers.”
“We don’t see any real evidence of ‘levelling up’ in this constituency. What is needed is proper investment in a Green New Deal, creating thousands of jobs, tackling the cost-of-living crisis and protecting our local environment.”
Nominations were sought from all members of the Green Party in Rossendale & Darwen and Bauld was selected through an internal ballot.
Julie Adshead, Green Party councillor in Rossendale, said “The Green Party is growing and thriving locally and we are so pleased to be able to field full slates of candidates in local elections as well as a strong candidate for the upcoming general election. Bob will be a powerful voice for Rossendale and Darwen.”
The Green Party won its first seat in Rossendale Borough Council in the May 2023 local elections. Rossendale & Darwen has been a Tory seat since 2010. Prior to that, Labour held it from 1992.
Bright Green has produced a running tally of the Green Party candidates currently selected for the next general election.
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