Well there is something wrong with the University of Birmingham – Zahawi. Swift was right!
On Newsnight last Wednesday, Alice Swift, a University of Birmingham student, People and Planet an National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) activist joined in a panel debate on the…
How our universities were "liberated" & why New Labour’s structural reforms have failed
Having been expelled from all university committees as VPE for a protest against the university's controversial ban on protests, I have started a series of posts on the university based…
Deregulation of universities has led to an attack on students and the workforce.
An enormous discrepancy was revealed between the University of Birmingham’s “public narrative” on its finances and the private accounts actually used to run the university. Further it is setting up…
Universities are becoming part of an oppressive infrastructure
A worrying trend is taking hold; what started as a trickle is becoming a torrent. A disproportionate attack on student protestors is unsettling not just the student movement, but a…
The real silent majority
NUS conference is coming up. Motions are being; drafted, circulated, proposed and seconded all the across the country. However, soon many of these excellent motions will fall foul of the…
Education Inc – Universities are entering the fray
GAs the guardian reported, free school applications are open again. An ever more diverse range of groups are entering the fray for what is becoming a market in primary, secondary…
Calling all students, restore the right to protest.
Whatever differences of our oft dysfunctional, sometime self-destructive student “left” may have, it is nice to know that we also know exactly when it is time to unite and fight.…
The bill is gone but the fight is on
We need to step up our game on the White Paper; the government is no longer going to do the work of defeating it for us. They were about to…
University of Birmingham students declare "I am Spartacus"
Today Birmingham students showed defiance against a repressive university. In response to a student being singled out and disciplined for taking part in an occupation of an unused university building…
Student protestor attacked by his own union president
By Simon Furse and Edd Bauer Mark Harrop, the Tory president of the University Of Birmingham Guild Of Students (student union), has Colluded with the University management to try and…