Boris Johnson’s attack on BDS sides with the powerful over the weak
Image credit: Magne Hagesæter - Creative Commons In order to meet our obligations under international law, the UK needs to be a critical friend of Israel, not just a friend…
A Green New Deal would deliver a just transition for British industry
The Green Party’s vision for industry was conceived long before it became as urgent as it is today and remains the best route out of the mess our environment, society…
The government is fiddling while the planet burns
As a new MEP representing the North West, it’s been a fascinating and hugely positive start. Being part of the larger European Greens group has made so much more seem…
Green MEP candidate: Vote Green to stop the far right
To my absolute horror, a racist came to Burnley yesterday. I don’t want to name him – but think of thuggish violence and far-right extremism, and you’ll have a pretty…