To succeed, the Green Party needs Green media
Every year the reasons why I joined the Green Party in 2010 - on a wave of euphoria and political possibilities that Caroline Lucas’s victory ignited in my 18 year…
Central Europe’s Green leap forward – Global Green column #3
The last decade or so has seen Central Europe make clear moves towards authoritarianism. Far-right national populist governments has mostly ruled, combining xenophobic rhetoric with increasing Euro-scepticism and the rollback…
What did the Green Wave in the European elections tell us?
Image credit: YouTube screengrab Cautiously high hopes powered the campaigns of Greens across Europe in the European elections. Since October 2018, the world has seen a veritable explosion of environmental…
Brazil, Sweden, Venezuela – Global Green news round up issue 2
January has been a busy month – from thousands of school children going on strike for the climate in Belgium to the Swedish Greens getting into government. So it hasn’t…
Mixed fortunes – Global Green news round up issue 1
A lot happened in 2018. From the huge anti-corruption protests in Romania, to a first free elections since the 80s in Zimbabwe. From Columbian elections to Malaysians ousting the party…
False Economies and ‘Kamikaze Accounting’: the legal cuts that cost us more
We’ve all been there. That cheap bike lock which lost you the expensive bicycle; shoddy shoes that you have to buy four times as often. Hey, we’re young and poor,…