Three ideas the next Green Party leader must embrace to succeed
In some important respects, the next Green Party leadership team will inherit a much strengthened organisation. By comparison with 2018 - the last elections to the positions of leader and…
Neoliberalism has given us a broken democracy. It’s time to fix it.
It may be a massive cliche, but it bears repeating. The novel coronavirus has swamped our lives. The pandemic has brought illness, disruption, job losses and underemployment, and death to…
Green Parties must embrace class politics
Green Parties have long championed universal provision as a means of avoiding the cruelty, waste, and coercion of means tested systems of welfare provision. Universal Basic Income, for years a…
The Green Party’s future lies in a transformative, participatory programme of the left
Image credit: Bristol Green Party - Creative Commons There have been lots of different responses to the general election writ large. Mired in defeat and punch-drunk with the loss of…
Workers need more than a living wage. They need workplace democracy.
Image credit: Jurriaan Persyn - Creative Commons Monday marked the beginning of Living Wage Week, a five-day working week of jamborees for scrupulous employers. But we should celebrate by testing…
Why abolishing the Home Office must be stage one in remaking the British state
In his speech at the Green Party's Autumn Conference last Friday, Jonathan Bartley caught the attention of journalists and pundits with a singular demand: abolish the Home Office. It is…
We need a new, revolutionary democratic settlement
Tuesday’s Supreme Court judgement was a good one. After all, not only were the options made available to Boris Johnson as Prime Minister reduced, but the principle of legislative authority…