We’re standing for the Green Party Women committee because it needs an overhaul
Every political party needs a powerful and effective women’s group, and ours is no exception. Women entering politics face a toxic combination of barriers. Abuse and harassment of women —…
The Green Party’s future is to the left of Labour
Image credit: YouTube screengrab For many of us in the Green Party, the Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party presented a moral quandary. He was the most radical leader the…
Green Party leadership election underway – UK Green news round up issue 63
Content note: This article discusses transphobia in the second and third articles, domestic abuse and sexual violence in the third article, and racism in the fifth and sixth articles. First…
The next Green leader must mobilise an alliance to kick out the Tories
A year ago, alongside six other Green Party MEPs, I was elected to the European Parliament in a vote that no one expected to happen, even just weeks earlier. The…
Alex Phillips rules herself out of Green Party leadership election – UK Green news round up issue 61
Alex Phillips rules herself out of Green Party leadership election Image credit: YouTube screengrab Nominations for the Green Party of England and Wales leadership election open on June 1, as…
We need a powerful vision of transformation. We need a Green New Deal.
The Green New Deal is a project with a powerful vision of transformation. Green politics is often cast as uncaring or too focused on the climate at the expense of…
Greens reiterate calls for Universal Basic Income – UK Green news round up issue 59
Greens reiterate calls for a Universal Basic Income Image credit: Bristol Green Party and Callum MacLellan Photography - Creative Commons With the latest government announcements providing little alleviation of lockdown,…
The grassroots green revolution is why I’m proud to have represented the South East in the European Parliament
It sometimes feels at the moment like the world is a dangerously depressing place. Fires continue to rage, air pollution is still killing thousands of Brits a year and many…
Four days until polling day – UK Green news round up weeks 48 & 49
Green Party would invest £12 billion in renewables Image credit: Creative Commons: GPEW The Green Party of England and Wales has this week fleshed out its proposals regarding renewable energy.…
Manifestos and pledges – UK Green news round up week 47
Greens launch radical manifesto Image credit: YouTube screengrab With the election less than three weeks away, all the major parties standing in England have now released their manifestos. First up…