Green Party local election preview: Northern Ireland
Local elections are right around the corner. Thousands of new councillors are set to enter local government in England and the north of Ireland. Nearly 200 Greens are currently elected…
Queen’s University Belfast set to divest from fossil fuels
Photo credit: flickr user Gerry Machen Creative Commons license: Queen's University Belfast last week announced their intent to end all investments in fossil fuels by 2025. The announcement on…
Occupy Belfast create ‘The People’s Bank’
Royal Avenue, Belfast’s main city centre thoroughfare, mixes classic architecture with more obviously new arrivals. On the corner of Royal Avenue and North Street lies a grand, art deco building…
A call to action – why we need Northern Ireland Uncut
This Saturday May 28th, activists will protest across the UK against the dismantling of the National Health Service, and, more broadly, against cuts to public spending, the unfairness of which…
Northern Irish Greens – a count to remember
Adam McGibbon is a key activist for the Green Party in Northern Ireland, he writes for Bright Green fresh from a gruelling campaign, and even more gruelling It’s Sunday and…