Prospective London Mayoral candidate Benali Hamdache: ‘Elected Greens should be activists, too’
The prospective Green Party Mayoral and Assembly candidate Benali Hamdache has described his vision for the Greens' campaign next year – and what separates him from other candidates - in…
Bright Green’s guide to the Green London Mayoral candidates
Who will be the Greens' candidate for London Mayor next May? Photo: Wikimedia Who will be the Greens' candidate for London Mayor next May? Ahead of tomorrow's hustings for the…
Greens’ Equalities Spokesperson Benali Hamdache joins London Mayoral race
Benali Hamdache, Equalities Spokesperson for the Green Party of England and Wales, has today launched his campaign for Green candidate for London Mayor. He joins Sian Berry, Tom Chance, Caroline Russell, and…