‘Comrades of the Glen’ seek £6m to buy castle for asylum seekers

- Student group at the University of Aberdeen launches crowdfunding initiative to buy a 6 million pound castle in Perthshire.
- Students intend to turn the castle into a safe space for destitute asylum seekers.
- The selfproclaimed “Comrades of the Glen” want to use the funding appeal to highlight the poor support and lack of rights currently available to asylum seekers in the UK.
A group of students from the University of Aberdeen have launched a crowfunding bid to raise the funds to purchase a 6 million pound castle in Perthsire. In its funding appeal, the group proposes to turn the luxury estate into a cooperative that provides a safe space and quality housing for asylum seekers.

The students, who are members of the University’s “Shared Planet Society”, want to use the funding appeal highlight the destitution and insecurity faced by asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom.
Current Westminster Government policy bans asylum seekers from working while they await decision on their application, forcing them to rely on state support of as little as £5 a day. With no additional support from local government or access to decent housing, many are driven to live in poverty. 52% of applicants to the Refugee Survival Trust were in destitution due to administrative errors and procedural delays, and almost a third of applicants were homeless (see below for more information).
To realise their plan, the students need to raise the required funds from single donations over the next 59 days. The group are calling on individuals and communities around the country to support their initiative.
Eva Nohe, CoPresident of the Shared Planet Society, says:
“We’re appalled that asylum seekers have to face destitution and poverty in one of the richest countries in the world. It’s shocking that in the UK some people can afford to live in a castles, while others end up sleeping in the streets.”
“Our proposal would turn the castle into quality, humane housing and community space for asylum seekers. A big estate like this should be used for the common good, not for some rich old man’s summer holidays.”
“With this appeal, we want to spark discussion about the lack of human rights and decent support for asylum seekers in the UK. We hope that our unconventional bid will inspire others to act in solidarity with asylum seekers and to dream big.”
For more information on asylum in the UK visit:
- Refugee Council – Facts About Asylum
- Scottish Refugee Council – Facts and Figures
- Refugee Survival Trust – What’s Going On?
For information about the project contact Eva Nohe, Co-President of Shared Planet Society, e.nohe.10@aberdeen.ac.uk, 07856160467.
“A big estate like this should be used for the common good, not for some rich old man’s summer holidays.”
It was being used as a school since 1959 – not for some rich old man’s summer holidays. I doubt any rich old man would want it, given it looks more like a military complex. It’s been closed and on the market [meaning empty] since 2002. It’s asking price is £6 million – after buying it how are they going to make it fit for habitation? How are they going to afford transport to/from the castle for the refugees? Their venue of choice suggests they plan to accommodate hundreds. There’s a pretty serious (and blatantly obvious) funding gap there.
Why did they choose a 38 bedroom castle to begin with? It’s absolutely huge with rambling outbuildings. I doubt they’ve even contacted the estate agent, never mind viewed it. Scotland has big castles in better condition for sale for around £2m. That’s if it absolutely has to be a castle.
There are so many huge holes in this plan. Where’s the accountability?
Sorry about the broken link – now fixed. Great to see the pledges flowing!
Hopefully working link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/refugee-castle
The link to the funding page is broken – please fix so I can donate!
Because people seeking asylum in the UK are amongst the most disenfranchised in society. If you’re an asylum seeker you do not have any right to work, housing allocation are amongst the worst in Europe, you’re not entitle to state benefits, and the refugee council estimates that 50% of the women seeking asylum are sexually abused within the UK. With the rise of xenophobia in the UK and the fact that 432 people own 50% of Scotland this seems like the perfect project.
By all means buy some of the land for the purpose of affordable housing. However, why should this housing only be on offer to those seeking asylum in the UK and why can’t the Castle and immediately surrounding ground be sold separately? Surely, that is compromise and Perthshire does not need to lose an historic building.