London Green Party votes for motion reaffirming commitment to trans rights
London Green Party members this evening reiterated their commitment to fighting for trans rights. Members voted for a motion which stated the regional branch of the Green Party of England…
Green Party announces new list of spokespeople
The Green Party of England and Wales has today announced a new list of spokespeople. According to the party, the list of 13 figures are "experts" who are "embedded into…
Green Party leadership election underway – UK Green news round up issue 63
Content note: This article discusses transphobia in the second and third articles, domestic abuse and sexual violence in the third article, and racism in the fifth and sixth articles. First…
Greens mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia – UK Green news round up issue 60
Greens mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia May 17 is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. The day is designed to raise awareness of the issues facing…
Greens back Corbyn government to stop no-deal Brexit: UK Green news round up weeks 32-33
Greens support a Corbyn caretaker government to oust Boris Johnson and stop no-deal Brexit With every passing day, the debacle surrounding Brexit gets more and more intense. A combination of…
Sheffield, Scotland and Sultans – UK Green news round up week 14
Magid Magid enters final weeks in office Creative Commons: John Lubbock As local elections draw near, Green Lord Mayor of Sheffield Magid Magid is entering into his final weeks of…
BREAKING: Green Party announces candidates for London Mayoral and Assembly election
Creative Commons: RachelH_ The Green Party of England and Wales today announced its candidates for the London Mayoral and Assembly elections. Mayoral election The party's co-leader Sian Berry has been…
Greens must be big, disruptive and transformative: Benali Hamdache, candidate for Green London Assembly list
Benali Hamdache with other campaigners fighting for action on air pollution. In 2020, London will go to the polls to elect a new Mayor and members of the London Assembly.…
Who I’m hoping people vote for in the 2016 GPEx Election
The campaigning period for the Green Party of England and Wales internal elections is now upon us. The campaign period will be running throughout July, with the vote being conducted…
BREAKING: Sian Berry to be Green’s London Mayoral candidate
The Green Party has announced that Sian Berry will be its candidate in the race for London Mayor and its top candidate for the London Assembly. The top three candidates…