Full list of candidates for the Green Party Executive announced
This summer, Green Party of England and Wales members will elect six new members of the party’s executive (GPEx). Nominations are now closed, and Bright Green can announce the full…
First candidates announce in Green Party Executive elections
The Green Party of England and Wales' annual executive (GPEx) elections are kicking off. This summer, party members will vote to elect six members of GPEx, with nominations closing on…
Interview with Daniel Laycock – Campaigns Co-ordinator candidate for GPEx
Throughout August, members of the Green Party for England & Wales will be voting to elect members of the next Green Party Executive (GPEx). In all, members will vote to…
First candidate announced in the Green Party deputy leadership election
The Green Party of England and Wales is electing a new leadership team this summer. And now, the first contender for the deputy leadership has thrown their hat into the…
Greens join the Global Climate Strike – UK Green news round up week 38
UK Greens join the Global Climate Strike Image credit: Ellen Lees Friday 20 September saw the school climate strikes transform into a global general strike. Over 4 million people took…