First candidates announce in Green Party Executive elections
The Green Party of England and Wales’ annual executive (GPEx) elections are kicking off. This summer, party members will vote to elect six members of GPEx, with nominations closing on June 30. And the first candidate for these elections has now emerged.
Daniel Laycock and Lyndsay McAteer have confirmed their intention to stand as a job-share for the position of local party support coordinator.
Laycock joined the Greens in 2018, relaunching the Huntingdonshire Green Party, in March 2019. He is now the coordinator for the Eastern Green Party. and previously managed the 2019 Bury St Edmunds general election campaign.
Meanwhile, McAteer is chair of Warrington and Halton Green Party, and stood for the Greens in both the 2017 and 2019 elections in the Warrington North constituency. McAteer joined the party in 2005, and was previously politically active in New Zealand, having worked in the parliament in the 1990s.
Speaking to Bright Green, Laycock said he was “excited” to be standing in the election. He said:
We’re excited to be standing on a joint ticket for the Green Party Executive elections. With our varied amount of experience in and outside the party, we are determined to bring the vital support our local parties need back to fruition, helping them to grow and ultimately win.
Laycock is not new to GPEx elections. In 2019 he ran for the position of campaigns coordinator, coming a distant third.
Many more candidates are expected to announce in the coming days.
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