Take big five energy companies into public ownership, Green Party demands
The Green Party of England and Wales has issued its proposals for tackling the ongoing energy crisis. With bills set to rise to as much as £4,200 for the average…
1 in 3 households could be in fuel poverty by January
New projections from energy consultants Cornwall Insight suggest the typical energy bill could rise to £4,266 per year by January 2023. This is a significant increase on what were already…
Rishi Sunak’s solution to the energy crisis is building on a legacy of failure
In response to a surge in energy prices the UK government has been forced to intervene. Five months after the Green Party of England and Wales produced its proposals, the…
What the collapse of Bulb and other suppliers means for our energy system
Energy firms have been collapsing left, right and centre. The recent demise of both Bulb and Orbit means 27 suppliers have gone bankrupt this year, driven by a rapid rise…