Why it’s vital that Greens make our voice heard in the EU referendum
Photo: Wikimedia At the Green Party’s Autumn Conference this past weekend, I stood up and spoke, for the first time, to a mass of assembled party members. I was proposing…
Greek Green appointed deputy environment minister
Photo: Wikimedia A Greek Green politician has been re-appointed as the country’s deputy environment minister, following the victory of the left-wing Syriza coalition in Sunday’s national election. Giannis Tsironis is…
#Brexit is not #Grexit
Mini Europe. Photo by Smabs Sputzer At the height of the financial crisis, it quickly became a cliché to declare that one’s country was not another. “Spain is not Greece”…
Greek people reject austerity in decisive referendum vote
Mass demonstration for a 'no' vote at Syntagma Square, Athens. Photo: Wikimedia The people of Greece have voted to decisively reject austerity in today's referendum. Voters were asked whether to…
Green Parties support Syriza’s call for debt conference for Greece
Photo: Wikimedia. Leading figures from both the Green Party of England and Wales and the Scottish Green Party have voiced support for Greece to reject the proposal from the Troika…
Greece: the first Green government in Europe?
Image: Stefan Gabrieli The sound system was playing Bella Ciao. Flags of parties from across the left and the continent wiggled as their bearers danced and sang along. Ouzo flowed…
tours of Greece: Life and Debt in Thessaloniki
By Nick Dearden - this blog first appeared on the website of the Jubilee Debt Campaign, of which he is director. Nick is currently in Greece on a fact finding…
Villa Amalias statement: we are, and we shall remain here.
On Thursday Greek police raided a long-standing squat in Athens, arresting 8 people - who have been charged with felonies relating to the construction of explosives. The squat had been…
Being debt campaigners in a world preoccupied with debt
By Alys Mumford DISCLAIMER: I work for Jubilee Scotland but am writing in my own capacity. The world is changing: debt and deficit are front page news, the general public…
Kill electoralism, not the NHS
So that's it then. It's all over (bar the committee and third reading). The lords didn't save the NHS. Despite all the petitions, all the tweets and hashtags, despite adopting…