What Vanessa Nakate being cropped out of a photograph tells us about climate change and race
The wider environmental movement has been criticised time and time again for being too ‘white’ and born from too much privilege. Many times, I have jumped to the defence of…
New UK Climate Strike Dates Announced
In the last years of the 2010's the UK climate strikes emerged as a significant environmental movement, led by the UK Student Climate Network. In September 2019 the group garnered…
We need “bold and legally binding targets” – the SNP’s vision for the environment
Out of the mouths of babes has never been a truer saying. As the effects of global warming and pollution become alarmingly evident – wise voices in our communities are…
Five bits of environment news you don’t want to miss – week 1
In another eventful week for British politics, there was some good and some less good environment news around the world. Here are five stories from this week that you wouldn’t…